

114 days ago


  • + /uniques page now has all items/data for the new PTR items (season 5) including images. PTR toggle works as intended.
114 days ago

A Monday for Duriel

  • + Main page/home : Events section was revamped in function and design.
  • /uniques : Can now toggle (checkbox) to show PTR results. This will be extended to all data pages.
  • /planner : (Gear Planner) - Aspects equipped now have a hover tooltip.
  • /planner: (Paragon Planner) - Node tooltip was adjusted.
115 days ago


  • Uncharacteristically, I have not had a changelog / update to Duriel in the last few days however this was due to a busy week and now being in post-op. All is well.
  • # Tempers page (/tempers): (+) Improved design of the filtering buttons, added icons, styling now reflects current filtering/query if applicable. (+) Can now combine filter values, i.e. clicking class and a temper type, or multiple temper types.
  • # New WIP page: Blacksmith aka "Item Simulator" (/blacksmith) : Had an idea to create a blacksmith / item simulator to closely emulate it in game, mainly for testing our masterworking crits and/or tempering rolls.
  • - Blacksmith/Item Simulator page is disabled for mobile currently.
  • + "Roll Stats" button will randomly roll stats based on class/chosen item slot/type. Mainly for fun. "Ranks To" rolls may overlap / may not be accurate.
  • + Can select a temper from the dropdown and then click "Try Temper" to attempt to get it. It will show all of the temper results in the Log section.Temper will also show up on the new item tooltip shown there.
  • + The blacksmith/item simulator also yielded a better, improved more D4-Esque tooltip that utilizes the D4 font as well, so this will be extended to all tooltips in the soon.
  • More updates incoming.
121 days ago

New feature: map linking

  • # Paragon Planner
  • + Fixed issue where Starting/Starter board was an option when adding a board.
  • + I forgot to mention it in a previous changelog however the Paragon Planner performance was significantly improved somewhere along the way of me refining the build planner and bringing it up to speed... when adding boards, or clicking the glyph sockets, the responsiveness has increased substantially.
  • Added a reminder/quick tip text to the Paragon Planner for how to zoom/move.
  • # /aspects (and /map)
  • + NEW FEATURE: added MAP LINKS! All dungeon locations for aspects, for example, can be clicked and when clicked you will be taken to the map and automatically zoomed in on your desired location.
  • + The map link is shareable via links as well:
  • - Boss lairs and some other markers are missing and will be updated soon so that I can link, for example, where to go for the Duriel fight on the Duriel boss page.
  • # NEW FEATURE: Inline skill views/tooltips.
  • + Please see the media below or head to the Duriel boss page for an example.
  • + Skills can now be more easily incorporated into various mediums / content.
  • + With the inline skill view, specific runes can also be specified.
  • ~ Overall, this is setting the foundation for some ideas I have in the future but in general content procured can be more rich with tooltips and direct links to things in game including items and skills. In addition, map linking will assist in discovering or finding information needed.

121 days ago

Light day

  • + Added world boss timer.
122 days ago

Bug (Maggot) Squashing

  • + Fixed a bug where items were appearing numerous times on the boss loot tables (/loot-tables).
  • + Fixed a bug where upon searching on the loot tables page, the items would duplicate, skewing results further until refreshed.
  • + Added a button "Click to show .... summoning materials" which will swap out the summoning material requirements it is showing. (Not completed, but Tormented Andariel and Duriel are there).
  • + Fixed the issue where when searching, the resulting boss tables would be small and not take up an appropriate amount of space.
122 days ago

Recap & some more small changes

  • This changelog includes media related to yesterday's change control (06/15).
  • -- NEW PAGE: /bosses/andariel : prototype boss guide for andariel with some mechanics/GIFs.
  • + Updated tooltip for items on the boss table page.
  • + D4 Tooltip theme background for legendary, rare, magic, and common have been added.
  • -- /loot-tables (Drop Tables) : Added item icons/tooltips for each boss and their respective summoning material requirements (non-tormented).
  • + Updated how the item card looks overall, for just general hovers and on the /uniques page. Will no longer appear skewed on mobile views, text should no longer be clipped in weird situations.
  • + Fixed some list items (li elements) appearing far left (including on item cards).
  • -- /uniques : changed grid columns for desktop.
  • + Fixed mobile navigation issue where dropdown would not disappear after clicking a link (for some links).

123 days ago

Quick log: mobile improvements.

  • Quick changelog notes, will go more in depth in future changes.
  • For some pages where search works: added the # of results being shown on the page
  • /aspects : updated design again, better on mobile.
  • /masterworking : pretty significant revamp of the table, removed columns that are "unnecessary", will work on re-adding them in a non-intrusive way..
  • /masterworking : table looks MUCH better on mobile now.
  • /masterworking : changed all materials displayed to use new component which has data information/tooltip.
  • /masterworking : to enhance viewing and access for mobile, the "Total Mats Cost" column was adjusted.
  • /stats : slight adjustment for mobile viewing, a tad wider. Further improvements pending.
  • /skills : improvements for mobile display.
  • /tempers : Adjustments to each aspect "card". Temper data (type, class) was styled. Better viewing experience overall.
  • /tempers : added temporary prototype buttons for quick filtering.
124 days ago

Small Design Changes

  • -- /skills : Revamped the design of each individual Skill listed on the page.
  • + Important skill properties (resource generation, cost, cooldown) are displayed.
  • + Other information now displayed: skill tags, runes (hover for description), requirements, damage type (i.e. physical)
  • + Adjusted design for mobile to improve readability.
  • ----
  • -- /masterworking : Added the new inline text view for items (with tooltip) for other materials in the "Total Materials Cost" column.
  • + Organized table for pit materials.
  • -- /uniques : Adjusted grid sizing for mobile/desktop.
  • + Changed title of the uniques page.
  • -- /aspects : Adjusted grid sizing for mobile/desktop.
  • -- /tempers : Adjusted grid sizing for mobile/desktop.
  • Tooltip backgrounds representing item "grade" (i.e. rare, legendary, mythic) is currently not accurate, all tooltips have the magic frame. This will be corrected soon.

124 days ago

Echo of Duriel, Maggot King

  • Added a new "dropdown" to the header/navigation for more links.
  • Created a new page at /bosses/duriel, can find the link on both mobile and desktop versions of the web under Boss Guides. Main inspiration is MythicTrap from "WoW", but my goal is to provide boss guides for all bosses and their mechanics and abilities.
125 days ago

Build Planner quick update: Rogue skills fixed

  • Rogue was the only class suffering from a critical issue which prevented any skills being invested into... which was a contrast to the remainder of the classes.
  • This is now resolved.
125 days ago

Thursday, June 13th

  • Tooltip improvements and overhaul has continued. Setting the foundation by toying with Tippy properties and themes.
  • + New tooltip style, "d4" recreation (see first image below).
  • - Will pivot to resolve any blatant, remaining issues/bugs in the build planner. While some of these exist, like for the Rogue where none of the skills are assignable, many other classes including Barb, Druid, Necro, and Sorcerer are completely functional top to bottom with some bells and whistles missing.
  • - I previously mentioned build sharing / linking: I have that already working on my end. I am going to refine the build planner further before releasing that. I will likely have users authenticate with Discord for simple login, but alternative methods may be pursued, but know my goal is minimizing friction and improving the accessibility. The purpose of authentication will be to save builds -- they are YOURS and you have the option of them being public or private.

126 days ago

Tooltips for you, AM push

  • Beginning of a tooltip overhaul.
  • + Added tooltips for skills in the Skill Planner.
  • + Tooltips also show for skills assigned in the Gear Planner tab.
  • + Scaling values in skill descriptions and items will be overhauled in the future. Began adding coloring to scaling values which you may see on some skills.
  • + Added tooltips for items in the Gear Planner (aspects not supported YET).
  • + Added a convenient way for me to show images in the changelog (see below for media related to this changelog).

127 days ago

Build Planner get: class-power and glyph sockets

  • New "feature": class-specific power/configuration planning is implemented for all classes (i.e. Barb technique, Necro summons).
  • Glyph sockets on the Paragon Planner, when clicked, will show a modal to select glyphs. If a glyph is selected, the node (glyph socket) is invested into. Socketed glyph can be seen on hover of the node.
  • Fixed bad image for glyph sockets on the paragon planner.
  • The interface for both of these additions is primitive and will be addressed in the coming days.
  • Will work on improving the "flow" of interacting with the build planner and ensuring there's no friction for the user.
128 days ago

Pets released: more for Duriel to consume

  • -- Home:
  • + Added new "main section". Added events section to the right. Main section in the future will be more dynamic, rotating new events/new pages added. For now, it's showing the new pets are here splash for users to be directed to the new pets page.
  • Similarly, the events section will be utilized to highlight any ongoing or upcoming events in Diablo 4, such as the current March of the Goblins event. Current design is temporary.
  • + Added new /pets page for information on pets that were just added. If you have not yet, go pet the dog in Kyovashad for a free pet!
  • /pets page was added on 06/09, today I updated some of the information including the quest name and correcting some small details.
  • Testing social media embeds for links and they are working for most pages, will continue to comb through all pages and ensure an og:image and other meta properties are set where applicable. For example, the new pets page shows Asheara (the new dog) as the image for social media embeds (i.e. Discord).
  • Build Planner upcoming changes: + Adding the last two remaining features: (1) Glyphs / Sockets (paragon planner) | (2) Class-specific stuff i.e. weapon specializations, enchantments.
129 days ago


  • Fixed issue with Build Planner where changing class after importing build produced... unideal results.
  • Now, if you decide to change class in the build planner, everything will be reset as intended, regardless of whether a build was imported, exported, or nothing. In other words, improving the lifecycle of the planner and its components to ensure frictionless interaction from a user perspective.
  • ** In a future update, will add a prompt to appear to confirm class change to prevent accidental data resets.
130 days ago

Late night uber shenanigans

  • Unsurprisingly, found a list of issues with the build planner, but the most critical are resolved.
  • Other than Barbarian, other classes were not properly being loaded via build string. This is now fixed, all classes can be saved / loaded via the build planner build string and all data is retained: skills, paragon, gear, sockets, assigned skills, stats AND temper stats.
  • I will be hunting for remaining bugs and issues tomorrow as well as finishing each class's specialization / unique configuration part of the planner.
130 days ago

Design changes

  • -- For applicable slots, gems can now be chosen (socketed) into the gear. Gem selections are saved with build data and can be loaded.
  • Gems can now be seen on the gear planner in slots if equipped in the slot.
  • Gear planner slots had their height/width and background color changed.
  • The assigned skills section of the gear planner tab was condensed and centered. Skills can be selected from the dropdown (search not working). Assigned skills are saved in the build data.
  • Header structure/design was changed.
  • Inaccuracies or small bugs may still exist in the build planner, but those will be resolved and more to come on it soon.
131 days ago

June 7th #2

  • # Build Planner updates: added gem sockets to applicable slots. Can select gems and it will save to the build.
  • - Added assigned skills. Very primitive, but functionally it's sufficient: use dropdown to search/find skills for general keybinds. This data is also saved to the build data and can be loaded with the string.
131 days ago

June 5th and 6th...

  • Duriel DID NOT receive an update on the 5th or 6th. Significant update today.
  • Changes:
  • + Added some basic SEO data to more pages.
  • # Build Planner:
  • - Some design improvements and changes. Tab navigation, new import/export build string, condensed the layout slightly.
  • + Build strings export/import feature added.
  • + Skill Planner design revamp, all skills rendered in vertical groups downwards with icons. Tooltip with name (temporary design). All classes work -- druid is missing some images, will be fixed asap.
  • ## Gear Planner:
  • - All stats and tempered stats are properly filtered for and appearing in the respective slot dropdowns. There was an issue where it was not properly filtering, I believe this is fixed.
  • Similarly, the items/aspects being filtered in the pop up when clicking a slot were not 100% accurate, this has been revised and should be good now.
  • The popup / UI where the aspect and items are chosen received some improvements.
  • If you customize a build, can click "GET BUILD STRING" and copy the string in the above text area. This string can then be pasted into the far right textbox, above the "LOAD BUILD" button, and if clicked, it will load all of that build data. This is a prototype for build sharing to come.
  • Summary: massive build planner rework to support exporting/importing builds, redesign on some crucial interfaces, revised filtering and related logic to further improve planner, all classes work for switching in the build planner, skill planner looks much better.
134 days ago

Duriel Designs...

  • Page urls updated. (/skills -> /SkillPage -> /skills (most cases))
  • --- Header & navigation received a revamp: responsive to mobile layouts, improved mobile layout and display of navigation links (will continue to be improved).
  • Header now has fixed position and will follow as the user scrolls to improve accessibility, easier navigation.
  • Header height is smaller.
  • Header will no longer clip under the map.
  • ---- Build Planner changes:
  • Class select dropdown is now near the current, temporary tab navigation instead of only being on the skill planner.
  • Gear planner and paragon planner will no longer "reset" when changing tabs.
  • Paragon planner is 100% responsive to class selection changes.
  • Gear planner is 100% responsive to class selection changes, but the slot data behind each class is currently not correct and will be updated soon.
  • As intended, all data on build planner will reset if class changes. Will implement an "Are you sure?" in the future.
  • Overall, all of the characteristics of a build planner are there, still more to go, but you can plan out a build and have a reference. MANY further developments coming.
  • Noticed some bugs with some classes on the Skill Planner, will address those soon.
  • Added SOME custom meta descriptions to pages.
135 days ago

*Staggered* : Nuxt Migration Completed

  • Migrated Duriel from Vue to Nuxt -- mostly frictionless.
  • Website may be inaccessible, domain HTTPS acting weird, for a short period (evening).
  • Page URLs (i.e. /map -> /MapPage) have changed and will be reverted/changed again soon. This is tempoary as I acclimate to Nuxt routing.
  • Website should be pretty zippy like with Vue hash routing.
  • +Added a new artwork logo to the rotation.
  • +Slightly adjusted the width of the aspects list page (currently /AspectsList)
136 days ago

Paragon Planner Update

  • Focus has been one of the final large branches of the "build planner": the paragon planner. An extremely basic prototype had been developed, and today I focused on getting the planner closer to the game aka a usable state.
  • Paragon board starts on Starting Board, attachment gates can be clicked to add new boards. On click, popup shows and next board can be chosen.
  • All boards other than starting board can be rotated once assigned/invested/showing.
  • Subsequent boards will be positioned based off of the gate that's purchased, as intended. IE purchase gate on right, board is connected to the right.
  • No ETA... but progress is coming quickly. Focus will continue to be logic such as implementing the maximum skill points and then node prerequisites.
137 days ago


  • Stat Planner: Colors revamped.
  • Fixed bug with paragon planner where starting board was showing incorrectly.
  • Gear planner interface was enlarged. Default icons fixed for the most part. Added a text area which reflects whether item is there or not in addition to icon. Gear planner will continue to see revisions over the next week. Functionally... it's almost there.
  • Updated Drop Tables page: items now show tooltip on hover.
  • Going forward, any references to items, aspects, and the like (for example used on a page in text) will show the respective tooltip on hover for quick access to information.
  • Added this new section, the "Changelog" section. Removed the old news section.
  • Unique List page: when searching, URL now updates real-time. Can now copy/paste URL to send others the same search!
138 days ago

BUILD PLANNER!!! (#3 - continued)

  • + Simplified / organized a lot of the code from the previous days for maintainability and extensibility.
  • + STAT PLANNER dropdowns received new styling. Dropdowns are now SEARCHABLE for stats/tempers.
  • + Fixed a bug where the item image/aspect image was not showing when equipped.
  • + Implemented functionality for UNIQUE ITEMS in Gear Planner: if equipped, stat planner stats are set and unchangeable and tempers are disabled.
139 days ago

BUILD PLANNER!!! (#2 - continued)

  • + Prototype STAT planner (related to GEAR): Each slot dropdown appropriately filters and displays all relevant stats that can be rolled on the item. Tempering stats as well.
  • + Prototype: PARAGON planner: rendering all paragon glyphs, nodes. Scaffolding the basic structure, how it will appear. Refactoring panning/zooming of container for seamless experience of navigating paragon board. | As of now, paragon boards are showing as expected, they have images. Small image bugs may be seen. Prototype logic for investing/uninvesting has been implemented wherein node will change image when invested to the active version.
  • + Multiple revisions of the design and how the container zooming/panning/scrolling was required.
140 days ago


  • Build planner development started.
  • + New build planner page.
  • + Prototype SKILL planner: assigning/unassigning skills, logic around investing and prerequisites, maximum skill points. | TODO: redesign
  • + Prototype GEAR planner: equipping / unequipping (items or aspects)
141 days ago

Duriel hungers...

  • Mobile experience was prioritized, many pages (views) being refactored with Tailwind utility classes to further improve mobile readability and access.
  • + Updated MASTERWORKING page with new costs for upgrading from recent patch.
  • + Revised mobile viewing experience for filtering section of UNIQUE LIST page.
  • + Aspect list was revised for improved mobile experience. Images for aspect types added, slightly refined structure of the aspect element.
  • + Some metadata/properties improvements within routing, each page has its own title.
  • + New artwork implemented. Added rotating logo image for all new artwork.
142 days ago launch!

  • A passion project of one (1) Diablo-loving (or... hating?) nephalem for all.